The dependency breakout is available in a number of viewers. It lets you discover the reason for a selected dependency (if no dependency is selected, the dependency breakout will be empty).
It lets you discover which items contained by the "from" item of the selected dependency use which items contained by the "to" item.
You can choose to show the breakout of the selected dependency in tree form or list form or both. You can also choose to flatten the tree nodes to the file level, which causes just files to be displayed in the tree viewer (i.e. the containment structure is not shown).
The tree viewer represents the breakout of the selected dependency as a pair of trees. The tree on the left contains the items within the "from" item of the selected dependency that use any code in the "to" item. It also includes the compositional structure (or just files if the flatten option is selected) down to the using items. The tree on the right contains the used items.
You can drill down to discover the using or used items by expanding the tree in the usual way. If you want to know which items are used by a specific item in the breakout, select that item in the left tree - items in the "to" tree on the right will be grayed out if they are not used by the selected item. Similarly, find out which items use a specific item by selecting it in the right tree - items in the "from" tree on the left will be grayed out if they do not use the selected item.
The list viewer gives you a flat list of all the code-level dependencies between the "from" and the "to" items of the selected edge. You can filter this list by selecting items in the tree viewer - the list viewer will only include dependencies from the item selected in the "from" tree to the selected item in the "to" tree.
Note: To deselect an item, <Ctrl> click on it.
Tip: you can drag the viewer border to hide the Dependency Breakout altogether. If your application window is configured in this way, it might look like you have "lost" the Dependency Breakout, but if you mouse over the bottom of the LSM you will be able to drag the border up to reveal it again.