As part of Structure101 it is possible to generate a report, like the one in the Summary perspective.

Example XML file to perform the operation:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<headless version="1.0">
        <operation type="report-summary">
            <argument name="output-dir" value="c:/abc"/>
            <argument name="xml" value="true"/>
            <argument name="notips" value="true"/>
            <argument name="overwrite" value="true"/>
            <argument name="name" value="abc"/>
        <argument name="local-project" value="C:\Documents and Settings\user\">
            <override attribute="classpath" value="C:\classes-to-parse"/>

Available arguments include:

Argument Required Description
repository yes The path to the Structure101 Studio repository root directory, e.g. c:/repository, /home/usr/x/repository, or, if remote, http://<servernameorip><:portno>/s101cpp/data
project yes The name of the project in the repository
local-project no See project-spec.
name no Report name. If supplied this overrides the project name as the default report file name
output-dir no By default, the report will be generated in your user directory. You can change this with the output-dir argument
overwrite no If true any existing report files are overwritten. If false and the named report file already exists then the new file will have a date/time stamp appended to its name. Default is true
xml no If true a summary report in XML format is written in addition to HTML. Default is true.
notips no If true the notes and tips are excluded from report (HTML only). This has the same effect as deselecting "show notes and tips" in the Structure101 Studio overview perspective. Default is false