As part of Structure101 it is possible to output the Structure101 Studio dependencies to an XML file.

Example XML file to perform the operation:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<headless version="1.0">
        <operation type="report-dependencies">
            <argument name="output-file" value="c:/abc/"/>
            <argument name="type-filter" value="references||calls"/>
            <argument name="from-filter" value="||com.def.ghi"/>
            <argument name="to-filter" value="com.def"/>
            <argument name="show-summary" value="true"/>
        <argument name="local-project" value="C:\Documents and Settings\user\">
            <override attribute="classpath" value="C:\classes-to-parse"/>

Available arguments include:

Argument Required Description
local-project yes See project-spec.
output-file yes File to which results are recorded in CSV format.
type-filter no Type filter is whole string only, and can be concatenated via ||
from-filter no From filter works as a STARTS WITH filter, and can be concatenated via ||
to-filter no From filter works as a STARTS WITH filter, and can be concatenated via ||
show-summary no Show summary dumps out edge types (which can be used as filters, if you are uncertain of the filter types) and the counts accumulated over the operation