This table:
- Shows summary information about the slice at each level in the code (limited by the selected scope) and
- Lets you select a level for further analysis.
Each row in the table represents a compositional layer of your code. The lowest layer is the set of all the outer classes in your code, considered as a single dependency graph. Above this are the design levels. The number of these depends on the "depth" of your composition hierarchy. The lower design levels typically contain bigger slices; the highest level typically contains the same items as the root node of the project.
The columns are:
The level identifier
The # nodes at that level
C is the degree of Cohesion of the dependency graph at that level. This is 100% if all the items on the graph are connected (or, there are no unconnected "orphans").
T is the degree to which the dependency graph is Tangled. This will be 0% if there are no tangles; 100% if all of the items in the graph form a single tangle.
Selecting a row in the table causes the group selector to be populated with more details about the orphans and tangles at that level.