

The developer’s companion. See the local code through the architecture, and immediately spot violations.


Live visualization of code dependencies in the context of the overall architecture.


Tangles and spec violations are highlighted as they happen – good structure becomes second nature.


See how project/modules and packages use each other – drill down to code-level details.


Overlay dependency and API specs from Studio – common architecture for the team.

"Give my kudos to your developers, they did a remarkable job on both features and performance - it's blazing fast."
Emir Bucalovic
Systems Architect
Tactel AB
"It's like Google Maps for your code!"
Stefan Schulze
Lead Architect
Pentasys GmbH
"It's so easy to use and the navigation between structure map and code is incredible."
Glyn Normington
Senior Staff Engineer

Browse ToP-Down

Browse top-down to discover how projects and packages use each other, and drill down for code-level details. Items are laid out so that dependencies flow down as much as possible. Cyclic dependencies are shown in red “tangle” boxes. Spotlight to filter on the dependencies of a specific item. Click to navigate to the source code.

Browse Bottom-Up

Browse bottom-up to discover how a code item is used, and where dependencies are located in the architecture. Chase threads of dependency by spotlighting.

Jump between model and source

Jump from project explorer or problem lists to the model. Connect your IDE and click to jump to the source from the model, and to the model from the source. Items are “spotlit” (yellow highlight, using items above, used items below). Quickly find dependent code. 


Immediately see new dependencies (purple) that you create as you work. See how dependency levels are affected. Check-out to see structural changes between commits.


per developer per year
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